Big Jack, Cowboy Aviator

Big Jack, Cowboy Aviator

The year is 1925. Confident of his aerobatic skills and fueled by his determination to make a name for himself, Jack Ashcraft leaves a humdrum flying business to join the Gates Flying Circus, billed as the World’s Greatest Exhibition Aviators. He becomes their star performer. His photo and exploits are printed in newspapers throughout the eastern United States, and his performances make headlines. Along the way, he befriends pioneering aviators and free-thinking flappers, flies in a transcontinental air race, and leads a simulated air attack on New York City. But his chosen calling conflicts with his family’s desire for him to be closer to home. When tragedy strikes, Jack struggles to come to terms with the dangerous reality of flying and his desire to return to the life he loves.

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MythBehaving with Jenn and Robb

History of Aviation Podcast with Derrick Beeler

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Cindy Weigand beautifully weaves facts and fiction in Big Jack, Cowboy Aviator. Using newspaper accounts, letters, and other primary sources, Weigand returns readers to the Golden Age of Aviation and allows them to take flight with “Big Jack” Ashcraft. With the turn of each page, Weigand explores the triumphs and tragedies of Ashcraft’s life and documents the extreme hazards associated with early aviation. While the book offers readers a thrilling adventure, the included “Author’s Notes” ensures that it is educational too.

Author, North Carolina Aviatrix VIOLA GENTRY: The Flying Cashier

 Anytime men come together in high-risk endeavors, a shared but often unspoken understanding forms. Ms. Weigand pries loose these private words, thoughts, and emotions for others to see, and feel.


Eight-year member of the US Advanced World Aerobatic Team,
competitor in four World Championships
Three-time consecutive winner of the “Coup d’Anjou”,
French aerobatic competition for Stampe SV4 aircraft

Great pictures! The book brings back so many memories of events and all the old timers you mentioned. A terrific read for me. The cover design is perfect.

RON KRANTZ, Son of Aron Krantz, stuntman for Gates Flying Circus

I read your novel and was most impressed.…

HENRY LOWE, Lowe Aviation Company, Macon, Georgia

Having spent my life in aviation and having friends in the Airshow business. I know firsthand the current risks that Airshow performers deal with and the personalities that are best suited to that life. The early Aviators assumed that risk and much more without the engines, instruments and weather reporting we have today. Cindy brought those risks and personalities to life following the exploits of her Great Uncle Jack. Well Done!

H Lowe

In her new novel–Big Jack, Cowboy Aviator (a novel)–author Cindy Weigand skillfully blends reality with imagination in a seamless mixture of fact and fiction. Weigand not only draws the reader in emotionally through a crisp fictional style, she also grounds the reader with the inclusion of poignant primary sources—photographs, newspaper articles, letters. This blending of fiction and fact bring the story of Jack Ashcroft alive. I highly recommend this novel.

—  Susie Flatau, artist/writer

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